Home Entry Window Shading Inspiration Gallery

Your home’s entry welcomes you and your guests

Thinking about upgrading your home’s entryway? It plays a bigger role than we often realize, and it’s the first impression a visitor gets of your home. Does it tell your story?

Privacy is a major concern for entry spaces. Windows in the door itself, as well as stationary side windows, can allow a direct view into your home, making shades, shutters, or blinds practical. But they also add warmth and personality to your entry, and Innovative Openings has a wide selection of styles, colors, and materials.

hunter douglas Duette front door entry and side windows

Personal design consultation now available!

You can browse product offerings, experience the ease of automated window coverings, and discuss fabric options one-on-one with a knowledgeable specialist from our design team. You can visit our Louisville Design Studio, or schedule a consultation in the comfort of your home. Schedule today!

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